Austin's Best Haunted House is Now Open

You walk through a dense jungle of hanging vines, their wet leaves dangling in front of your face and the smell of rotting compost at your feet, when you suddenly hear the sound of someone’s radio coming from a campsite. You maneuver around a tent and pop-up camper. You get a whiff of burning wood and hear a sound coming from the dark woods and suddenly your brain screams:

"This is not pretend, it's real. Turn back!"

But you know what dangers lurk behind you… you must go on! This is a scene from Austin’s Best Haunted House, “Gruesome Gardens”, a haunted event here at The Great Outdoors on South Congress. We will be presenting 2 haunted venues this year, Gruesome Gardens and Wicked Sensations.

We will be incorporating the senses of touch, sight, sound, and believe it or not, smell to intensify the “fear factor”. This event promises to be like no other that you have seen.

Open to the public starting Friday, October 10th at dusk and will run weekends at dusk, and then the entire week before Halloween.

Bring the Kids Thursday, October 23rd!

Gruesome Gardens will tone down for the kids under 12.

The scares will be toned down, some of the more shocking props removed, and generally not as terrifying as usual. The price is the same, but we will offer a “buy 2, get one free” special for that night only. Buy your tickets at the door on October 23rd for special pricing.



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